
BeoCreate Elements

The project was made for danish audio company Bang & Olufsen as my thesis project. BeoCreate Elements is open-source, scalable wall built-in speaker, which can be manufactured locally with the same tools than open products and architectural elements. The scalability and usage of only flat sheet material holds a strong message about its origin, flexibility and local manufacturing.

Future foresight - User research - Concept design - Prototyping



B & O recently developed this open-source 4-channel amplifier board together with Hifiberry. The brief asked me how could we use this board? The board has amplifier, wireless streaming capabilities, digital signal processor and open-sourced software.



The design is a result from three factors. The first one is a adaptivity, which means that form of the speaker needs to be able to scale without losing any form. That has caused very simple form that streches into any direction. The second factor is easy and frictionless manufacturing. The layered design makes the construction and assembly simple and understandable. The third factor is possibility to use different materials for customization. That is enabled by the usage of only sheet material of different thicknesses.


Conducting user research.



All the mock-ups and prototypes made during the project.


All the elements needed for the speaker

The amount of sizes and forms of the speaker are endless.